
Ruby clone of GrowthForecast

Focuslight is a web tool that let's you graph all sorts of metrics via a WebAPI. Our simple API let's you create and update charts in real time, customize your charts through a Web interface, and create charts that combine multiple metrics.

You can graph your MySQL data with 1 line of code

$ crontab -l
*/5 * * * * curl -d number=`mysql -BN -e 'select count(*) from member' game` 2>&1 | logger -t post_gf -p

By periodically POSTing to Focuslight with cron, you can make charts without having to deal with complex settings

(1) Installing Package Dependencies

We'll first install the libraries that RRDTool depends on using package managers like yum, apt, homebrew, etc.

  • glib
  • xml2
  • pango
  • cairo


$ sudo yum groupinstall "Development Tools"
$ sudo yum install pkgconfig glib2-devel gettext libxml2-devel pango-devel cairo-devel


$ sudo apt-get build-dep rrdtool

(2) Installing Focuslight

We'll use the bundler command to install Focuslight together with its module dependencies.

We recommend that you use Ruby built with rbenv (or others) rather than the default Ruby that ships with your OS.

$ git clone
$ cd focuslight
$ gem install bundler
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec rake init

Installation will take a bit of time since there are a many gem dependencies.

(3) Starting Focuslight

You've now installed Focuslight! To start Focuslight, please execute "bundle exec foreman start".

The web server will start on port 5125. You can verify this in your browser.

Boot Command

$ bundle exec foreman start


To configure Focuslight, edit the `.env` file in the project root directory.
ENV Name Description
DATADIRThe directory to store the graph data. Default: ./data.
PORTThe TCP port to bind to. Default: port 5125.
HOSTThe IP address to bind to. Default:
FRONT_PROXY (not supported yet)If using reverse proxy, uses the IP address of the reverse proxy or CIDR. Multiple IP addresses can be set
ALLOW_FROM (not supported yet)Specify the IP address from which the service can be accessed. If not set, the service can be accessed by all remote hosts.
1MIN_METRICS (not supported yet)Stop the service from updating the graph every minute.
FLOAT_SUPPORTAccept to post floating numbers. Defautlt: n (Accept only interger numbers)
DBURLDatabase URL such as sqlite://data/gforecast.db for SQLite, or mysql2://root:@localhost/focuslight for MySQL. Default: sqlite://data/gforecast.db
RRDCACHED (not supported yet)Specify rrdcached address. Format is like unix:</path/to/unix.sock>, or <hostname-or-ip>:<port>. Default: no
MOUNT (not supported yet)Provide Focuslight under the specified url path. Default : /
LOG_LEVELSpecify log level. Either of debug, info, warn, error, or fatal. Default: info

If Using MySQL

You will need to create a database, and add the following permissions when using the MySQL.


Expamle of Commands

mysql> CREATE DATABASE focuslight;
         ON focuslight.* TO 'user'\@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY password;

Your username and password are set by DBURL parameter on .env file or system environment variables.


How to Register Graphs

To create graphs or update data, make a request to the following URL via a POST method.

The names of the items within the URL to POST to are shown in the table to the right.

You can use multi-byte strings for each item name as long as it is UTF-8.

The Name Used in the Example Purpose Actual Parameters
:service_name The name of the service that you'd like to graph blog, photo, place, socialgame
:section_name The name of the feature or system to graph, within said service. entry, user, spot, items
:graph_name The actual name of the value being graphed total_entry, kakin_user, muryo_user

For example, if we are graphing the number of registered users in a social game, we would POST to the following URL:

Also, we would use the following parametens when POSTing.

Parameter Description Required/Optional
number The number to give the graph Required
mode Update method for the number: count, modified, gauge。
count: Add the value of the number parameter to the pre-registered value.
modified: Overwrite if the value differs from last time.
gauge: Always overwrite with the value of number
Default: gauge mode
color The color of the grah. Specify with #FFFFFF format. Optional (auto-generated if unspecified in a new graph)

Example: Creating a New Graph

Using curl:

$ curl -d number=10

Customizing the Graph's Appearance

You can customize the graph's appearance by adding a few parameters to the graph's URI.


URI of a Graph
URI of a Compound Graph

List of Supported Parameters

You can even make graphs like the one below just by changing the parameters!
Parameter Description
t The range of the graph: y(1 year), m(1 month), w(1 week), 3d(3 days), s3d(3 days, refresh every minute), d(1 day), sd(1 day, refresh every minute), 8h(8 hours), s8h(8 hours, refresh every minute), 4h(4 hours), s4h(4 hours, refresh every minute), h(1 hour), sh(1 hour, refresh every minute), n(half a day), sn(half a day, refresh every minute), c(custom)、sc(custom, refresh every minute)
from When `t` is set to `c` or `sc`, this value sets the start time of the graph. Uses the format: 2011/12/08 12:10:00
to When `t` is set to `c` or `sc`, this value sets the end time of the graph. Uses the format: 2011/12/08 12:10:00
width The width of the graph. (The actual width is a bit wider due to the Legend and other elements)
height The height of the graph. (The actual height is a bit higher due to the Legend and other elements)
graphonly This mode only plots the graph. No other elements are plotted. Default: 0
logarithmic Graphs in logarithmic scale. Default: 0
xgrid Setup for the X-axis. Details regarding the format can be found in the rrdtool documentation.
ygrid Setup for the Y-axis. Details regarding the format can be found in the rrdtool documentation.
background_color Background color. Specify using the FFFFFF or FFFFFF00 formats (last 2 characters are for the alpha channel).
canvas_color The canvas (background) color of the graph. Specify using the FFFFFF or FFFFFF00 formats.
font_color The font color. Specify using the FFFFFF or FFFFFF00 formats.
frame_color The frame color of the Legend. Specify using the FFFFFF or FFFFFF00 formats.
axis_color The border color of the graph. Specify using the FFFFFF or FFFFFF00 formats.
shadea_color The border colors for top left and top. Specify using the FFFFFF or FFFFFF00 formats.
shadeb_color The border colors for bottom right and bottom. Specify using the FFFFFF or FFFFFF00 formats.
border The thickness of the borders. `0` is a valid value. Default: 3.
legend Enable the Legend (including summary data of the graph). Default: 1
sumup Include the sum value in the Legend. Default: 0

Graph Data Summary

You can export the Legend information (which includes the summary data of the graph) in JSON format.


URI of the Graph Summary
URI of the Compound Graph Summary

Exporting Graph Data

You can export your graph data in JSON format.


URI of the Graph
URI of the Compound Graph

List of Parameters

Parameter Description
t The range of the graph: y(1 year), m(1 month), w(1 week), 3d(3 days), s3d(3 days, refresh every minute), d(1 day), sd(1 day, refresh every minute), 8h(8 hours), s8h(8 hours, refresh every minute), 4h(4 hours), s4h(4 hours, refresh every minute), h(1 hour), sh(1 hour, refresh every minute), n(half a day), sn(half a day, refresh every minute), c(custom)、sc(custom, refresh every minute)
from When `t` is set to `c` or `sc`, this value sets the start time of the graph. Uses the format: 2011/12/08 12:10:00
to When `t` is set to `c` or `sc`, this value sets the end time of the graph. Uses the format: 2011/12/08 12:10:00
width Maximum number of rows.

Focuslight is a Ruby port of GrowthForecast having HTTP API compatibilities. Therefore, following client software for GrowthForecast should work for Focuslight, too

Fluentd plugin to output numbers(metrics) to 'GrowthForecast', metrics drawing tool over HTTP.

rb-growthforecast (ruby)
Client library and command to operate GrowthForecast

growthforecast-client (ruby)
growthforecast-client is a ruby client library for GrowthForecast API where GrowthForecast is a visualization graph tool.

Net::GrowthForecast (perl)
A client library for awesome visualization tool GrowthForecast